Friday, May 04, 2007


Feb 4th to May 4th. I'm sure a ton of stuff has happened in the last 3 months. Let me take a gander through my calendar and see what I come up with.

We joined Grace Church on Pelham Road - we are very excited and I'm starting to get involved and Oh yeah - meet people.

Feb. 20th we had Upward Basketball Awards Night where we saw the crazy and incredible Mark Lippard perform/speak. Always a blast!

Mar 8th - Josh decided to play Star Wars on his bed, with his Light Saber. Needless to say Luke Skywalkers shouldn't jump on their beds. He fell off - after 3-4 hours in the ER they determined that he dislocated his right elbow. Here is a pic of him the next day with his splint and sling. He screamed and beat on the doctor when the doc set the elbow - then the doc pulls out the sling - suddenly Josh was fine and said "Cool, is that for me". Whatever!


Spring Break we traveled to Missouri and Kansas. We had a great time with family. We colored eggs, hunted the eggs and then had an egg throwing party!!

Trey started Upward Soccer. It's the first time that he has played a sport and Marc has not been his coach.

I was elected Treasurer of Trey's school PTA for next year - YIKES!

April 28th - Trey received his 2nd, or maybe it's the 3rd, black eye of his life. A kid slammed his knee into T's eye at Chik-Fil-A. On Sunday he lost his first tooth. We never did find the thing - must have swallowed it with some cheetos. Rough weekend for T.


May 1 - Josh started swimming lessons. The teacher tested him on a few things to see how much he knew about swimming. Then she took his float belt off and I saw her motion for him to swim to her. He let go of the side then sunk clear out of view. About the same time my heart started beating again instructor gal grabbed him and pulled him up. Ok, sweet heart - leave the belt on him please!!

After swimming lessons we stopped at the grocery store. I was scanning my items at the self checkout - which I love - when i heard Josh screaming. I turned around to find him on the floor with the cart on top of him. He was screaming - did I mention that? So I got the cart off of him and tried to stand him up - he just kept screaming 'I can't stand up". So the little chickie running the self checkouts comes over and says "Hey little man, do you want a balloon?" Suddenly - he is able to stand and the screaming is over. He is my child that "Redirection" works for!

So, here we are May 4th. Marc is out of town, Trey is at a birthday party, Josh is playing Lego Star Wars. The only thing I can hear is the keyboard clicking. It might be a peaceful weekend!!

Oops! forgot one thing. I made a little trip to the Bob Jones Campus this week. They have a Press where they make books and homeschool supplies. I found some great reads and some summer schooling workbooks for T. Those of you that know me, know that I have the whole summer planned on a spreadsheet!! Now I just have to excute. It's called my 'Sanity plan'.


At 12:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

yeah!! an update from the Backes house!! i miss you bunches! i am refering to next week as hell week!! YOU WITH ME? love you!! call me soon!


At 6:07 PM, Blogger Cheryl Gallagher said...

Love catching up with your family happenings and seeing pictures of the boys.
Would love to see you guys if we can swing it next time you are in the area.
Haven't seen you guys since Trey was first born.

At 8:48 PM, Blogger BackesHouse said...

Hey Shosh, When you going to start your own blog? We will be in Missouri some time in July. I would love to see you and the fam. We could come up there or maybe you guys could meet us at Ruth's house. We'll talk soon. Luv U 2!


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