Thursday, July 19, 2007

Yea! I Got a Job!!!

Yep, I'm working outside the home again. Or, I will be soon. I'll be working at HealthCareFirst in Ozark Missouri. Snap! We are so excited to be moving back to Missouri. We have made the decision to move without selling our Greenville house - YIKES. That goes completely against my financial mind - but I'm trusting God and in my husband that he is seeking God when making decisions - both of which I have complete peace in doing!!!

Did I ever tell you the story about when we bought the van - well I was completely against it - because we already had 2 cars and didn't need a 3rd. If it would have been up to me I would have waited until we sold a car. However, I listened to the still small voice that said "trust in your husbands decisions - I'm leading him" So, I did. Well guess what. After we got home that day with our 3rd vehicle. Marc was upstairs posting our 97 Accord. He sold the stupid thing in like 5 minutes - literally. He said he wasn't even sure the posting had finished and the phone was ringing. So, I will trust Him and Marc!!

My Silly Kids:

Sunday our kids were hilarious. Josh and I had been lounging on the couch, he stretched up to kiss me. So, I kissed him on the forehead. Then he got up to go find Trey - as he got up I saw him wipe off his forehead. It really didn't bother me. But he turned around and said "Mom I was just drying your kiss to me!" What a sweet thing to say.
That same night I was explaining to Trey what was up for the week. Basketball Camp for T. He looked me square in the eye and said "Why do I need to go to basketball camp, I already know how to play basketball" Like he's MJ or something - remember he's only 7. I think he got schooled while he was there - he's been exhausted!!!

Have a Blessed week.

Our Prayer List

-Greenville House would sell
-We can be in a house in MO before school starts on Aug15th.
-My health and my witness while I return to work full time.
-Marc as he seeks Gods will for our family